Founded in 2010, CO*RE now includes ten member-led healthcare professional organizations. The CO*RE organizations collectively represent 600,000 clinicians who work in a wide range of clinical settings including primary care, hospitals, emergency departments, pain clinics, birthing units, and hospice and palliative care centers. CO*RE reaches a variety of healthcare professionals, including medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, physician assistants, pain specialists, and nurse practitioners.

CO*RE provides continuing education that touches…

  • more than 600,000 physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants who prescribe opioids
  • other healthcare professionals who influence healthcare and counsel patients
  • healthcare in hospitals, birthing centers, palliative hospice, chronic pain clinics, and emergency departments
  • and the millions of patients cared for by CO*RE’s clinician members and learners

CORE-team-receiving-2015-ACEhp-Alliance-Award-for-Outstanding-Educational-CollaborationEach year the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions (ACEhp) recognizes exceptional continuing education professionals and leaders who are paving the way to improve patient care through education.

In January 2015 CO*RE received the Outstanding Educational Collaboration Award from the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions, in recognition of our collaboration’s demonstrated innovation and uniqueness in achieving effective continuing education.

Interim Analysis of Practice Changes Following Participation in Online and Live ER/LA Opioid REMS CME/CE Programs from the CO*RE Collaborative, T. Finnegan, P. Chatterjee, C. Grimes, C. Kear, T. McKeithen. Poster presentation at the American Academy of Neurology (ANN), April, 2017

Interim Analysis of Practice Changes Following Participation in Online and Live ER/LA Opioid REMS CME/CE Programs from the CO*RE Collaborative, T. Finnegan, P. Chatterjee, C. Grimes, C. Kear, T. McKeithen. Poster presentation at Pain Week, 2016

ER/LA Opioid REMS and Accredited Education: Survey Results Provide Insight Into Clinical Roles, Educational Needs, and Learner Preferences, C. Kear, T. McKeithen, S. Robertson. Substance Abuse, v38, 18 April 2017. [link]

Opioid Prescribing: Safe Practice, Changing Lives, iBook, A useful reference summarizing all six units of the CO*RE curriculum including video clips, case studies, and drug information. Available as an iBook through iTunes or as a downloadable PDF.

2011 Needs Assessment and Educational Design Report: Long-Acting and Extended Release Analgesic Opioids REMS © 2011