To ensure our core curriculum remains responsive to the evolving needs of learners, we have developed several complementary resources offering more in-depth information on critical challenges faced by healthcare clinicians.

Quality Improvement: Optimizing Pain Management (CE/CME)
20 CME/CE Credit; 20 AAFP Prescribed Credit; 20 MOC Points (ABFM & ABIM)

Managing chronic pain effectively while ensuring patient safety is an important and challenging aspects of patient care. Together with your care team, you have the opportunity to enhance your approach to pain management, strengthen teamwork, and earn Board MOC points by participating in this QI project. Your QI journey will take approximately 2-4 months to complete and will guide you through an actionable framework to drive meaningful change in your practice. (free, but requires creating an account)

Telehealth Module (CE/CME)
1 CME/CE Credit

This one-hour course offers strategies for conducting successful pain management visits via telehealth. Many clinicians have received little to no training on the communication and clinical skills required for telehealth patient encounters, and most have not been taught how to “see” a patient on video during their medical training. Our goal for this education is to enhance the effectiveness of your pain management telehealth visits and keep your patients actively engaged. (free, but requires creating an account)

CORE REMS Telehealth Module

Surgical Team Module (CE/CME)
1 CME/CE Credit

This educational series focuses on enhancing pain management strategies within the surgical setting. Our goal is to empower the surgical team with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the challenges of pain management, while minimizing the risks associated with opioid use. (free, but requires creating an account)

Fentanyl Module

Brief slide set providing information on the shifts of nonmedical use of substances over time, upcoming trends, and policy and medical approaches to reduce overdose deaths.

Cannabis Module

Brief overview of the cannabis plant, cannabinoids, preparations, mechanism of action, data on efficacy and perceptions, approved indications, clinical considerations for patients with pain, and harm reduction. Also includes a slide on the substance kratom.

Social Determinants of Health and Equity Module
Focused information on factors that make populations vulnerable to pain and OUD, barriers to care, disparities in treatment, biases and stigma, and interventions for better outcomes.

Stigma Module

Impactful slides demonstrating the pervasiveness of stigma and its negative consequences, as well as best practices to overcome/reduce stigma.

Acknowledgment: This education is supported by an independent educational grant from the Opioid Analgesic REMS Program Companies (RPC). Please refer here for a listing of the member companies.